1. Introduction

Important notices!

Embedding the patch

A detailed manual how to embed the Destiny.dll into a RPG-Maker 2000 project is included in the help file for the DestinyPatcher. The interrelationship of the programs is explained there, too. In this help file here (the one you are currently reading) is only a manual for the scripting language (DestinyScript) included!

The layout of this help file

During development of this help file some formats have been designed and abided. These should help the user for faster navigating and getting a better overview.


The headline is written on the upper border of each page.
The footer is on the lower border of each page. On the left of this footer is the point "< Back", which can be used to navigate to the previous page. Under this point is the headline of the previous point written. On the right of this footer is the point "Forward >", which can be used to navigate to the following page. Under this point is the headline of the previous point written. In the center of the footer is the headline of the current page written again.
Internal links inside of this help file are colored blue and not underlined unless you hover over them with the mouse cursor.
External links are colored green and always underlined. If you click on an external link then it will open a new window.
Variable = Function("String", 12345);
In code examples the script code is written in one box. On the left border are line numbers. The following explanations refer to them. The code itself is colored multiple times to make the terms much easier to read in refer to their meaning.
This is a short additional piece of information, which can help you to avoid some problems.
Important additional information are written in yellow boxes.